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What Factors Could Impact the Zinc Plating Process?


   At Million Senior, we guarantee that our zinc plating projects are performed to the highest quality. Furthermore, we have identified potential factors that could impact the zinc plating process and consistently control them. This ensures we provide your metal with a seamless finish, whilst giving you confidence that our zinc plating and various other electroplating services are executed thoroughly and professionally.


The zinc plating outcome will always depend on the temperature of the plating bath. For example, when bath temperatures are too high, hydrogen diffusion on the cathode is reduced and consumption of brighteners and other additives increase. OX-201 has good assistant brightening and levelling performance in MCL and LCD, and good high temperature tolerance.

As well as this, the relationship between temperature and current density can have an impact on the zinc plating process. When both variables increase at the same time, the zinc deposit will be brighter. When current density stays the same whilst the temperature increases, large metallic crystals will form. Therefore, we monitor the temperature of our plating baths throughout the entire zinc electroplating process, so the finished result is not affected.

Current Density

The current density passing from the anode to the cathode can affect the thickness of the zinc coating. If the density of the current is not tracked, the result is often a wrinkled substrate surface. OX-301 has excellent resistance to high temperature as well as salt, and it has strong dispersibility and throwing power, especially at low current density area. making sure that metal is left with a smooth finish.

Concentration of Zinc Deposit

When electroplating zinc, we understand the importance of checking the level of the zinc concentration in the plating solution. If the concentration is too high, the surface of the metal will become rough and uneven. Furthermore, a low concentration will form finer crystals with a brighter finish.

Choose Million Senior for zinc plating and rest assured, please contact us find out more about quality products and solutions in zinc plating.

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